WordPress Backup to Amazon S3 Script

This is an updated version of my WordPress Backup Script. The new version basically does the same thing: backup up a wordpress blog (actually any site that consists of files and a MySQL database). The new thing about the script is that instead of only saving the backup locally, it also uploads it to Amazon S3.

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Clean URLs (Permalinks) for WordPress on Lighttpd

I’ve moved my blog in the last few days to a new bigger dedicated server (as well as some other sites I own). After doing some benchmarks (I plan to post those soon) I’ve decided to switch to Lighttpd. While the exact migration notes are the topic of another post, I can say that I’m fairly satisfied with the move.

After setting up the server, I started moving the blog. Importing the files and the database was pretty straight forward. But when I thought every thing is ready and I transfered the domain to the new server I’ve found out that none of my inner pages are accessible. The reason, as it turned up pretty quickly, is that the WordPress depends on Apache’s mod_rewrite to create the clean URLs (the so called permalinks). This actually posed two problems:

  1. WordPress depends on Apache’s mod_rewrite.
  2. WordPress used .htaccess files for the clean URLs configuration

Continue reading Clean URLs (Permalinks) for WordPress on Lighttpd

WordPress Backup Script

This is a small script I’ve written to automate my server-side backups of my blogs. It creates a backup of both the database and the actual WordPress files.


# (C) 2008 Guy Rutenberg - http://www.guyrutenberg.com
# This is a script that creates backups of blogs.


#no trailing slash

echo -n "dumping database... "
mysqldump --user=${DB_USER} --password=${DB_PASS} --host=${DB_HOST} ${DB_NAME} \
 | bzip2 -c > ${BACKUP_DIR}/${DB_NAME}-$(date +%Y%m%d).sql.bz2
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
	echo -e "\nmysqldump failed!"
	exit 1
echo "done"

echo -n "Creating tarball... "
tar -cjf ${BACKUP_DIR}/${BLOG_DIR##*/}-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2 ${BLOG_DIR}
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
	echo -e "\ntarball creation failed!"
	exit 1
echo "done"

Continue reading WordPress Backup Script

Hidden Spam Links in WordPress

About a week ago, I’ve decided to look at the HTML source of my blog. I was in total shock to find a spam link hidden there. This is how it looked:

<!-- ocadia theme credits, downloaded from wpthemesfree.com -->
<u id="ocadia" style="display: none">Buy some <a href="http://detoxbuddy.com/categories/191.html">marijuana drug testing</a> products</u>

Ocadia is the name of theme I’m using, so I guessed the hidden link came from there. I was partially right. The code indeed resided in the index.php file of the theme, but as I later found out, the theme had nothing to do with that. I removed link and the comment immediately, and went to see if the it was distributed this way from Beccary (the author of the theme.
Continue reading Hidden Spam Links in WordPress