Install JetBrains Mono in Debian/Ubuntu

JetBrains Mono is a new monospace typeface designed to be comfortable to read. It has clear distinction between the different letters and relatively high x-height.

The installation instruction were tested on Debian, but should work on every Linux.

Download and unzip the font:

$ wget
$ unzip

Install the font to either the user’s font directory

$ mv JetBrainsMono-*.ttf ~/.local/share/fonts/

or the system-wide one:

$ sudo mv JetBrainsMono-*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/

To use the font in gVim set guifont accordingly in ~/.vimrc:

:set guifont=JetBrains\ Mono\ 13

Compiling lensfun-0.3.95 on Debian Buster

Lensfun provides lens distoration correction for Darktable and other raw processing applications. Version 0.3.95 provides ability to use the Adobe Camera Model, and hence use Adobe lens profiles (lcp files). However, lensfun 0.3.95 is not packaged for Debian Buster. Also Darktable won’t compile against the latest git version of Lensfun, so you must compile and install specifically version 0.3.95 to get ACM support.

We begin by downloading and extracting Lensfun 0.3.95. Lensfun 0.3.95 is not tagged in git, so we have to download the release directly from SourceForge. The release is not available from the GitHub repository.

$ wget
$ tar -xvf lensfun-0.3.95.tar.gz
$ cd lensfun-0.3.95/

Lensfun uses CMake for building and has also has CPack enabled. We can use it to build a deb package and install it. This allows easier integration and uninstallation in the future.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j`nproc` && make package
$ sudo apt install ./liblensfun2_0.3.95.0_amd64.deb

libGL error: unable to load driver:

After playing with installing and removing the amdgpu and amdgpu-pro drivers, my system could not load the radeonsi. glxinfo returned the following error:

$ DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep OpenGL
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi

It was solved by cleaning up leftover symlinks and reinstalling libgl-mesa-dri

$ sudo find /usr/lib/ -lname "/opt/amdgpu/*" -print -delete

$ sudo apt install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri

Yubikey doesn’t work on Firefox installed via Snap

Installing Firefox via Snap is an easy way to get the latest Firefox version on your favorite distro, regardless of the version the distro ships with. However, due to Snap’s security model, Yubikeys, or any other FIDO tokens do not work out of the box. To enable U2F devices, like Yubikeys, you need to give the Firefox package the necessary permissions manually:

$ snap connect firefox:u2f-devices

Generating secure passphrases on the command line

The following snippet should work on every system that has coreutils.

$ shuf /usr/share/dict/words --repeat --random-source /dev/random -n 5

You can swap /usr/share/dict/words with any good wordlist, like EFF’s or Arnold Reinhold’s Diceware list.

You can also add it for ease of use to your ~/.bash_aliases

alias passphrase="shuf ~/dotfiles/misc/diceware8k.txt --repeat --random-source /dev/random -n"

And then you could easily use it in bash:

$ passphrase 5

Migrating from WP-Syntax to PrismJS

WP-Syntax was a great syntax-highlighting plugin for WordPress. However, development had ceased and it was not updated for a very long time. While it is not broken per se, it didn’t work with Jetpack’s markdown support and so I stopped using it on the site and started using a different plugin. With the introduction of the Gutenberg editor, I started looking again for a plugin that will allow me to easily highlight fenced code blocks (this feature worked in the old editor with SyntaxHighlighter Evolved but isn’t supported in Gutenberg). Realizing that I don’t want three syntax-highlighting plugins enabled simultaneously, and not wanting to have an abandoned plugin enabled, I decided to migrate all the posts from WP-Syntax to a new solution.

The new solution I chose was PrismJS. I decided to use it directly (without a plugin) as it highlights by default all the <pre><code class="language-..."> constructs (which is what markdown produces as well) and I didn’t want (yet again) to use plugin specific shortcodes like before which will require migration when the plugin eventually stops working.

WP-Syntax used <pre lang="...">code goes here</pre> construct. Furthermore, it took care of html escaping everything inside the <pre> tag. So the migration solution would be to rewrite the <pre> tags to <pre><code> constructs, html escape the code inside the pre tag and finally remove any leading newlines. I wrote it to work on dumped SQL tables as it seemed easiest. The flow is

$ mysqldump --add-drop-table -u USER -p blog wp_comments > wp_posts.sql
$ python3 < wp_posts.sql > wp_posts_updated.sql
$ mysql --user=USER --password blog < /tmp/wp_posts_updated.sql

import re
import html
import sys

def convert(fin, fout):
    for line in fin:
        # Each post is in a single line
        # <pre><code> doesn't ignore the first newline like <pre>
        replaced = re.sub(r'<pre lang=\\"(.*?)\\">(?:\\r)?(?:\\n)?(.*?)</pre>', replace_and_escape, line)
        if line != replaced:
            print(line, replaced, sep="\n============>\n", file=sys.stderr)

def replace_and_escape(matchobj):
    language =
    # We don't escape quotes because it's unnecessary and it would mess up the
    # SQL escaping
    content = html.escape(, quote=False)
    return r'<pre><code class=\"language-{}\">{}</code></pre>'.format(language, content)

if __name__=='__main__':
    convert(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)

Disable Yubikey’s OTP

By default, when you touch a Yubikey it types an OTP code. These codes looks like:


Theoretically they are used for Yubico’s proprietry authentication, but in reality they are mostly annoying. This is especially true for Yubikey Nano, which is impossible to remove without touching it and triggering the OTP.

Yubikey 5 Nano

Disabling the OTP is possible using the Yubikey Manager, and does not affect any other functionality of the Yubikey.

$ sudo apt install yubikey-manager
$ ykman config usb --disable otp
Disable OTP.
Configure USB interface? [y/N]: y

Note for Yubikey 4: the above command will not work and fail withe the following error:

Error: Configuring applications is not supported on this YubiKey. Use the `mode` command to configure USB interfaces.

Instead use the following command:

$ ykman mode FIDO+CCID
Set mode of YubiKey to FIDO+CCID? [y/N]: y
Mode set! You must remove and re-insert your YubiKey for this change to take effect.

virt-manager: Error starting domain

Virtual Machine Manager (virt-manager) doesn’t automatically start your virtual networks. This leads to the following error when starting a vitual machine

Error starting domain: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active

To solve this error, on Virtual Machine Manger go to Edit->Connection Details->Virtual Networks, select the required network (‘default’ in our case) and press the Start Network button (has a play-button icon). You can avoid having to go through this process by ticking the Autostart checkbox, which will make the network start automatically at boot.